Nov 122009

First Frost (c)2009 by April Siegfried

Color swatch blue Color swatch green Color swatch white [¹]

This morning I visited a nearby bird and butterfly sanctuary—my new favorite place to photograph—and it was a treat to discover frost on the ground. (Click on the image to view a larger size.)

Lesson of the day: remember to switch Image Stabilization back on when removing the camera from the tripod to shoot handheld. 😛

¹Colors of the day:

  • Blue R:118 G:138 B:143
  • Green R:127 G:136 B:114
  • White R:185 G:196 B:209

  4 Responses to “First Frost”

  1. Love colors and composition.

  2. Ditto what Pixelle (Micheline) wrote. I halfway expected to see another shoebox image, tho! I’d almost forgotten you have other cameras and lenses! LOL (me bad!)

  3. Thanks Pixelle and Flo!

    Things are getting complicated as I lug these various toys out into the field. 😉

  4. Same here. I loved last winter. So far I am not really into “loving mode”, but it may be coming. As long as it’s not dirty, wet slush in a foggy soup of non-definition, I think winter is quite OK 🙂

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