Jan 272014
Frost №4 (January 23, 2014 @ 10:11 AM)
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A handheld series photographed one morning in changing light. During the (first) incursion of the Polar Vortex this January, Chicago’s daytime temperatures were -14F. Though we “should” insulate a few windows, I did enjoy their frost patterns from indoors.
- Frost №1 (1/23/2014, 9:06 AM)
- Frost №2 (1/23/2014, 10:04 AM)
- Frost №3 (1/23/2014, 10:08 AM)
Nikon D300 with 18-200 mm f/3.5–5.6 lens;
1/45–1/125 sec @ f11 to f16, ISO 200–640 (handheld)