The other day I brought home a bouquet of miniature roses. One fell off, so I put it in a dish. This morning it struck me as especially lovely in the early light.
I am so delighted with my new camera system, the Olympus OM-D EM-1. Half the weight of my Nikon D300 with an equivalent lens (purchased 7 years ago), it alleviates a shoulder problem that developed from hefting it so many, many times a day to take pictures.
I found these flowers on my birthday walk. The images are unedited in JPEG format, except for resizing.
- Crabapple White
- Crabapple Pink
Spring has finally arrived in Chicago, after a long and unusually harsh winter.
Yes, these are “flowers”—so difficult to see and photograph in a way that is fresh, that’s not similar to the thousands of images already housed in the data banks of our mind’s eye. Their abundant beauty is so welcome, however, that I can’t help but try to express that experience.
Click on any image above to view large as slide show (with 5 second pause between each.)
Crabapple Tree
Panasonic DMC-FZ40; 1/25 sec @ f7.1, ISO 100 (handheld);
Focal length: 8.5mm (47mm EFL)
Crabapple Flowers
Nikon D300 ; 1/125 sec (handheld);
AF-S Nikkor 18-200 mm f/3.5–5.6 G ED plus
Canon 500D Close-Up Lens
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I’m still having fun with my new lens. Just after surise the other day, there was zero wind, dew on the flowers, and a nice backlight on this subject. Classic, but who can resist such opportunities?!
Nikon D300; 1/125 sec @ f11, ISO 500 (handheld);
70-300 mm f/4.5–5.6 @ 180mm (270mm EFL); focus distance 1.68m
Gardenfall №4
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Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f5 @ 1/160 sec, ISO 80 (handheld);
Focal length: 26.8mm (155mm EFL)
Gardenfall №3
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Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f5 @ 1/160sec, ISO 80 (handheld);
Focal length: 26.8mm (155mm EFL)
As in the previous post, these were photographed through a glass “waterfall wall” at our local garden center.
Gardenfall №1
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Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f4.5 @ 1/125 sec, ISO 100 (handheld);
Focal length: 26.3mm (159mm EFL)
Gardenfall №1
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Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f4 @ 1/125sec, ISO 100 (handheld);
Focal length: 23.8mm (144mm EFL)
Just the other day…I had great fun at our local garden center. These images were photographed through a “wall of water” fountain, capturing flowers in the background. There’s no manipulation involved, other than typical enhancement of the RAW file during post-processing.
At a price of $1,900 we won’t be buying one of those fountains! But maybe I can rig a hose on a storm window in our own garden… 🙂
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Hungry for color, I broke down and bought a bunch of tulips the other day.
These were photographed with my Panasonic Lumix (on a tripod), because I originally envisioned a square format—though I ended up with a 4:3 composition instead. The ability to choose different aspect ratios in-camera is my favorite feature of the Lumix.
What really delighted me, however, was how beautifully the Lumix captured reds—normally so difficult to hold on my Nikon D300! This image required very little post-processing.
I did use a circular polarizer for this frame, but that was primarily to reduce glare on the waxy petals. Color was equally good on previous frames without the polarizer.
Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f8 @ 5 sec, ISO 80 (Neotec tripod);
Focal length: 76.4mm (424mm EFL)