“Just show up!”, said Craig Tanner during a photography workshop last year. Sounds simple enough. Yet those three words have stayed with me ever since, because it’s not always easy and has many levels of meaning.
In another workshop two years ago, Freeman Patterson said he still makes it a point to photograph every single day—as a concert pianist will practice scales.
“Just show up” is my plan for the month of November: to photograph, process and post an image here, every day.
I hope you’ll join me and share your experience with daily photo projects in the comment section: tips, revelations, and links to your project sites are all welcome!
For inspiration, three links to other “daily” projects I’ve been following:
- Andreas Manessinger—3 years and going strong
- Ed-K—has posted an image to his site every day for five years!
- SoFoBoMo (Solo Photo Book Month)—”A group event where a bunch of photographers all make solo photo books start to finish, in 31 days, at more or less the same time.”
Plus André Gallant, who is my inspiration for the “November” challenge with a series of some of the most beautiful photographs I have ever seen.
¹ Colors of the day extracted using ColorSuckr. Though the name is funky, it did a nice job on this image from within Firefox as an add-on.
- Yellow R:210 G:182 B:96
- Green R:124 G:128 B:94
- Brown R:104 G:80 B:49