Jul 132012

Vacation Day 5 (Morning)
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Nikon D300; 1/180 sec @ f11, ISO 200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 38mm (57mm EFL); focus distance .79m

Vacation Day 6 (Afternoon)
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Nikon D300; 1/90 sec @ f9.5, ISO 3200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 70mm (105mm EFL); focus distance 2m

Jul 062012

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I’m in Boulder, Colorado right now for another Miksang workshop. Yesterday, my husband and I moved up to the place we’re staying in the mountains. This was one sight which greeted me this morning. 🙂

Nikon D300; 1/180 sec @ f11, ISO 200 (handheld);
81-200 mm f/3.5–5.6 @ 65mm (97mm EFL); focus distance 3.16m

Jun 092012

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On a calm day, Montrose Harbor is a great place to look for reflections. This was photographed about an hour after sunrise, when the light was still warm in hue.

Nikon D300; 1/250 sec @ f8, ISO 200 (handheld);
70-300 mm f/4.5–5.6 @ 240mm (360mm EFL); focus distance 9.4m

Jun 052012

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Pretty flowers I couldn’t resist! The violet blossoms in the foreground are campanula, or “Bellflower”.  🙂

Nikon D300; 1/60 sec @ f5.6, ISO 3200 (handheld);
70-300 mm f/4.5–5.6 @ 92mm (138mm EFL); focus distance 2.11m

May 312012

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Just the other day…there was an apartment building fire in our neighborhood. Passing the cleanup efforts, I saw this on the inside wall of an open dumpster.

Nikon D300; 1/125 sec @ f11, ISO 2000 (handheld);
70-300 mm f/4.5–5.6 @ 95mm (142mm EFL); focus distance 5.62m

May 252012

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I’m still having fun with my new lens. Just after surise the other day, there was zero wind, dew on the flowers, and a nice backlight on this subject. Classic, but who can resist such opportunities?!

Nikon D300; 1/125 sec @ f11, ISO 500 (handheld);
70-300 mm f/4.5–5.6 @ 180mm (270mm EFL); focus distance 1.68m

May 152012

Gardenfall №4
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Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f5 @ 1/160 sec, ISO 80 (handheld);
Focal length: 26.8mm (155mm EFL)

Gardenfall №3
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Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f5 @ 1/160sec, ISO 80 (handheld);
Focal length: 26.8mm (155mm EFL)

As in the previous post, these were photographed through a glass “waterfall wall” at our local garden center.

May 132012

Gardenfall №1
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Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f4.5 @ 1/125 sec, ISO 100 (handheld);
Focal length: 26.3mm (159mm EFL)

Gardenfall №1
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Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f4 @ 1/125sec, ISO 100 (handheld);
Focal length: 23.8mm (144mm EFL)

Just the other day…I had great fun at our local garden center. These images were photographed through a “wall of water” fountain, capturing flowers in the background. There’s no manipulation involved, other than typical enhancement of the RAW file during post-processing.

At a price of $1,900 we won’t be buying one of those fountains! But maybe I can rig a hose on a storm window in our own garden… 🙂

May 092012

Spring Light
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Nikon D300; f11 @ 1/350 sec, ISO 200 (handheld);
70-300 mm f/4.5-5.6 @ 220mm (330mm EFL); focus distance 1.68m

Prairie Fire
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Nikon D300; f9.5 @ 1/125sec, ISO 3200 (handheld);
70-300 mm f/4.5-5.6 @ 165mm (247m EFL); focus distance 1.68m

“Dappled light” sounds pretty, doesn’t it? But high contrast and hard shadows have led me to dismiss it in favor of photographing subjects under soft, even lighting…

Until last month, during the Callway Gardens workshop, when a participant opened my eyes to possibilities I’d been ignoring. She was photographing the color and reflections of azaleas along a riverbank, playing with impressionist ripples in the water. What especially struck me, however, was the way she’d been drawn to one particular mound of blossoms spotlit by sunshine through a break in the surrounding trees. Ah-hah.

Thank you, for showing me the light!

Apr 222012

“Have a seat…”  (№1)
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Nikon D300; f6.7 @ 1/60 sec, ISO 3200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 105mm (157mm EFL); focus distance 5.96m

“Have a seat…”  (№2)
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Nikon D300; f8 @ 1/60 sec, ISO 3200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 62mm (93mm EFL); focus distance .6m

“Have a seat…”  (№3)
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Nikon D300; f11 @ 1/180 sec, ISO 200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 90mm (135mm EFL); focus distance .8m

Just the other day… I went downtown to visit with a friend, and spent some time wandering around before and after with my camera. Returning home, I was surprised to discover how many photographs had this theme—without conscious intent! (All three were captured on that outing.)

The last one is for Andreas.  🙂