Aug 102010

The hull of a boat floating within strongly patterned reflections.

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Captured in camera, this scene is not cropped and post-processing involved only tweaking for color and contrast.  Though I know what it is, I still have trouble parsing the image!

On a side note, my Web hosting server was attacked through Google’s FeedBurner yesterday, temporarily suspending my account and putting it risk for deletion. I’ve had to disable FeedBurner and delete the feed, so I’ve no idea if subscribers are still receiving updates… If not, and you see this note, you can re-subscribe using the orange RSS link above the right-hand menu column.

Nikon D300; f/8.0 @ 1/125sec, ISO 800;
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 120mm (180mm EFL); focus distance 10.59m