Apr 222012

“Have a seat…”  (№1)
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Nikon D300; f6.7 @ 1/60 sec, ISO 3200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 105mm (157mm EFL); focus distance 5.96m

“Have a seat…”  (№2)
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Nikon D300; f8 @ 1/60 sec, ISO 3200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 62mm (93mm EFL); focus distance .6m

“Have a seat…”  (№3)
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Nikon D300; f11 @ 1/180 sec, ISO 200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 90mm (135mm EFL); focus distance .8m

Just the other day… I went downtown to visit with a friend, and spent some time wandering around before and after with my camera. Returning home, I was surprised to discover how many photographs had this theme—without conscious intent! (All three were captured on that outing.)

The last one is for Andreas.  🙂

Feb 052012

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Another image photographed in hard light around 1 p.m. The bright white and strong graphic elements jumped out at me while walking with my mother through the River Arts District in Asheville, North Carolina this past December. She was carrying her Lumix. 🙂

Nikon D300; 19.5 @ 1/500 sec, ISO 200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 95mm (142mm EFL); focus distance 1.12m

Dec 202011

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I’m constantly amazed by how things appear to change even as they largely remain the same. “Simplicity №1” was photographed in this location back in May. Returning some weeks later, I was annoyed by new “No Parking” signs affixed to the wall. Yesterday, the signs were still there—but so were a number of parked cars.  🙂

Nikon D300; f9.5 @ 1/180 sec, ISO 1400 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 75mm (112mm EFL); focus distance 14.96m

Sep 102011

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Looking up as I passed the entrance to a neighborhood alley… “Whoa! Never noticed that before.”  🙂

Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f8 @ 1/500 sec, ISO 80 (handheld);
Focal length: 108mm (600mm EFL)

Aug 302011

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Walking the streets before sunrise on my way to the lakefront, the colors in this image are as seen! It was only after returning home that I realized I’ve passed this window many times, and the blind is white.

I wonder what was shining through from behind…

Nikon D300; f4.5 @ 1/90 sec, ISO 3200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 40mm (60mm EFL); focus distance 1.12m

May 052011

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Backlit, this pussy willow caught my eye while I was running errands the other day. Sunlight glinting off needles and leftover Christmas lights on a hedge in the background created the bokeh with spots of color.

Nikon D300; f8 @ 1/250 sec, ISO 200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 200mm (300mm EFL); focus distance .71m

Apr 252011

Panasonic DMC-FZ40; f3.5 @ 1/60 sec, ISO 200 (handheld);
Focal length: 19.7mm (119mm EFL)

This is the second capture of a scene photographed in my office three days earlier. While processing the first (shown to the right), I looked over at the same setting under similar light and thought “Hmmm, this isn’t what that was about.”

For the first, I was using a macro lens and emphasis is placed on the cord pull within its surroundings. For the second, I used my Lumix set to the 16:9 format. Now, emphasis is not so much on the cord pull but rather on the vertical pattern of light and line which originally caught my attention.

Apr 072011

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Returning home one afternoon, this pattern of light and shadow on our front steps caught my eye. The hues actually shifted from warm to cool in the scene.

Nikon D300; f11 @ 1/125sec, ISO 200 (handheld);
50mm f/1.8 (75mm EFL); focus distance 2m